Friday, January 06, 2006

Happy Anniversary Baby!

Most of my friends haven't the slightest idea what I do for a living. They do know that I work from home, but that is about it. I think I have a fear of being Dooced for talking about my work in my blog.

After 12 years working as an interface designer/usability analyst/user experience planner for "the man", I've finally gotten enough street cred to run my own business. And successfully, I might add. (I've been told I need practice in patting myself on the back occasionally, so that was my feeble attempt.)

I realized today it has been 1 year since I left the relative comfort and safety of the corporate womb for the scary, uncertainty of contract labor. (Wow, I must have babies on the brain... I just used womb and labor in the same sentence...)

I didn't anticipate the dramatic change in lifestyle. If I had, I wouldn't have bought shampoo in bulk, as I shower much less often now that I roll out of bed and work in my jam jams. (Jude's word, not mine. Lapsing into baby talk again...)

I DID think that I would exercise more, since I gave up the commute time. Whatever. That would just mean I'd have to shower.

I love the extra time in the morning and evenings with Jude. I'm not rushing him around, but rather, enjoying our daily breakfast in a leisurely fashion. All told, he only spends about 5 waking hours at daycare a day, and some times, less. That feels right to me. He gets his social needs met, I get to work uninterrupted and raise my own kid.

It's funny, because the whole reason I started in my field was the possibility of freelancing freedom SOME DAY. I woke up this morning and realized the some day was TODAY.

I am blessed. Happy anniversary to me!


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