Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Pumpkin Patch


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's strange...

Such a cute kid posted under a caption about a "f****d up world." Great. Print that one and make it your Christmas card.

I'm wondering: how f****d is your world?

I came upon this site quite by mistake, and after seeing that you have a decent sense of humor, I read more. This is the first time I've ever responded to a blog.

I have to say, though, that you seem to contradict yourself repeatedly. The world is f****d up, yet if I were to look at all of the pictures you've posted, I would assume that you are living a comfortable lifestyle with a beautiful child, a nice home, and a caring husband.

Have you really ever had it bad? Do have any clue what a f****d up world is? I'm guessing you don't. You are more than likely a spoiled brat that has no idea how good they have it, and how wonderful the world can be.

How can you look into the eyes of that sweet little boy and say the world is so screwed up?

Yes, I know. You are talking about the world in general. "The world sucks- it's horrible. This is bad, that is bad. Everything's bad." And yet you can say that from the comfort of your warm home with your healthy child while snapping it all with a camera that a lot of people couldn't afford in this f****d up world. Is bitching on a blog all you are doing to change this f****d up world, honey?

If so, shut the hell up.

Your f****d up world seems to be pretty great. I bet you are someone that has no clue just how f****d up the world can be.

It's a shame that such a cute kid is featured on a site that also explains that his mother wishes she had more time in college for "drinking cheap beer and getting laid." Isn't there also some sort of photo of you with your pants down? Wonderful. Very, very classy.

Wow, I'm sure junior will appreciate that, mom.

You strike me as a person that complains just to hear herself complain. That's probably the personality type for the circle you run with, who will undoubtedly defend this post (if you choose to allow it to be shown) to the end.

Honestly, though, I doubt you have the courage to let this post be shown.

I doubt we'll ever meet, and for that, I'm glad. But I do feel like I know you. I know your type.

You gripe about the environment and FDA, yet it's obvious from hints in your post that you've used plenty of chemicals in your time. If I had any money to gamble, I would put it on this safe bet: you've done your share of drugs, and I bet you still at least smoke some pot when junior is sleeping.

You gripe about religious fanatics because that is the popular thing to do. I'll bet you've put little or no thought in the issue. Making fun of Christians is trendy, and trendy is what you do.

You seem to gripe about how bad things are and how exhausted you are, yet you have time to post info about your favorite snacks on the Internet. Wow, you must REALLY have a rough, busy life.

You probably think this attack is unwarranted, and it sort of is, but someone needs to let you know that, based on what you've posted here (photographic evidence included) you have it a hell of a lot better than most.

This won't change things. You'll continue to post pictures of your darling child under captions like "f****d up" and with other mindless profanity that cheapens his image. You'll continue to bitch about how horrible the world is, and yet you'll continue to post about your experiences with a fifth of Jack.

I saw the picture of the old gentleman. It was very touching. I'm wondering, though- does this kind-looking old man know that he's featured on a site devoted to how f****d up the world is? It's sad. I think the picture said he was 86. I bet he's done a lot to see that this world isn't f****d up, and he probably isn't aware that his image is being used on this crude, narrow-minded blog. It's a shame that he's handing over the world to a selfish moron like you.

In my humble opinion, it's people like you that make this world f****d up.

I'm done now. Go make an organic meal, hug a tree, smoke some pot, take some pictures, and bitch, bitch, bitch. Enjoy.

8:25 AM  
Blogger Be Still said...

Dear anonymous Troll:

Oh yes, I have the courage to post your ugliness for the world to see. I'm not afraid of you.

One does, however, have to wonder what kind of courage it takes to say such hateful things to another person using an anonymous identity.

You've obviously stumbled upon my blog through Flickr. Which is where the underwear pic is, not on my blog. Jeez, get your facts straight at the very least when you are being judging me.

Regarding the "f****d" caption and my beer drinking/laid comments: It's obvious you DON'T know me, because it's typical of my quirky, juvenile sense of humor. I have a fantastic life that I've worked very hard to get. Don't think for a moment I'm not grateful just because I'm a smartass.

A stranger probably wouldn't get that though, which is what your are: AN ANONYMOUS STRANGER.

This blog is for my FRIENDS and FAMILY. I've only recently made comments open. This is because my family isn't terribly tech saavy and doesn't really get the blog thing yet. After your ugly comments, I'm actually rethinking that openess, unfortunately.

What you see here is what I choose to post about my current activities. Sorry if I can't retrace 40 years of back story for your edification. Maybe then you'd respect me, because pleasing strangers is what this blog is ALL about. Oops, the smartass slipped out again...

I will, however, post a few "highlights" so you can see what a charmed life I've led.

My parents are doing well now but that has not always been the case. They were only 18 and 20 when I was born. I had a dresser drawer instead of a bassinet.

Nothing like being raised by a pair of teenagers in a shotgun marriage to give you a headstart in the world. Their divorce was actually a GOOD thing in my childhood and I think they would agree.

I put myself through college. I worked two jobs starting when I was 16 to save the money and still have the student loans to prove it.

After a bitter falling out, my dad and I didn't speak for almost 22 years. Try going through your 20s as a young woman with no father figure. I'm proud of my youthful mistakes though. They made me a thoughtful, complex, compassionate HUMAN being because I chose to learn from them.

I lost two babies to miscarriage before God blessed us with this one. I almost bled to death having him and may not get to have another.

To you this may be good, since you seem to think I'm screwing this one up. But for me, this has been personally devastating, hence the fifths of Jack Daniels.

Again, I'm joking. Maybe I can just starting putting a "ns" next to all my "not serious" comments for people like you without a sense of humor.

I pray for the inhabitants of this planet every day. That's what I'm doing to make the world a better place. I definitely don't go around trashing other people's inboxes with hate-filled vitriol, that's for sure.

Oh yeah, another shocker: I'm a Christian... just NOT a vanilla self-righteous one that wants the world to goose-step to an Evangelical drumbeat. I've read the bible 3 times, cover to cover. I think this means I'm officially holy enough for God.

Other feats of wonderfulness that I've performed include supporting a husband that worked as a social worker for many years, treating kids with substance abuse problems. I call this my charity work since we definitely went without on his not-for-profit salary.

This is why I'm particularly offended that you think I sit around and smoke pot and drink in front of my kid. Oh yeah, that's right, because I have a progressive slant to my values, I'm automatically a drunken drug user? Interesting logic, for sure.

In closing, you can project all you want on me but I draw the line at your misconceptions about Lonnie Ray: He knows he's online and guess what else? He's a liberal tree-hugging, Kerry-voting, WWII veteran.

I'm pretty sure he'll be mortified when I tell him about your hateful comments and will wonder why you don't use your time to make the world a nicer place instead of critiquing my amateur blog.

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, that's my wife your talking about; the axis around which my son's life revolves, the woman to whom I will owe my Ph.D., and the smartest person I know.

Why is the world fucked up? Because of people who would, without provocation, rake a stranger over the broken glass of their own hostility.

I've spent the last decade studying personality and mending broken people and I can say with some confidence that your assessment of my wife says more about you than her.

First of all, I think you're being dishonest about your casual encounter with her site. Obviously, you're familiar with her photos from another site and felt compelled to follow the link to her blog. That was transparent. Anyone could ascertain it.

Second, it seems you lack a sense irony, not uncommon among people with a low tolerance for ambiguity.

Third, everyone in this house is as sober as a judge. In fact, you might be the only one in this conversation who is high.

Fourth, you strike me as overly moralistic. How else can you explain feeling compelled to set us straight about how good we have it?

And that's probably because you have not had it so good, which is my fifth observation. Someone hurt you. I don't know who, but it wasn't my wife. So leave her alone.

Post whatever you want in response to this, but I won't reply.

7:55 PM  

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